Loosen up massage therapy specialize in the following - sports massage, sports rehabilitation, muscular discomfort, oos -ocupational overuse syndrome, headaches, trigger point therapy, and relaxation and deep tissue massage.
We are a bonded travel agent whose service and knowledge is second to none - AND you can collect Fly Buys points from us!
Contact Lenses; Dispensing Opticians; Optometrists.
For nearly thirthy years, Gateway Cargo has been known as a premier New Zealand Internation Freight Forwarder.Each of our service area is highly regarded, and our people are recognised for their commitment to the representation of our clients’ interests in New Zealand and throughout the world.
A first for Hawke's Bay, the iconic 1950's designed building is now an independent photographic gallery. Showcasing local contemporary and international exhibitions the gallery also houses a funky upbeat cafe.